I am not sure I really want to put anything to political on my blog, although I don’t mind sharing some of my faith values. I am not real savvy politically and probably not very savvy spiritually either, depending on whom you ask. In both cases I know what resonates with me and it’s from there I try and grow my faith and practice my life and practice my faith and grow my life.
Those who know me, know that I hate labels. So, a disclaimer: I am registered independent and favor no party over another.
Right now, I am responding to Ms. Palin's speech that I watched on TV earlier tonight, written for her and well delivered to be sure, but the content:
Rude, condescending, sarcastic, mocking and while I might have been on the fence (re: my vote) before, I no longer am.
I was embarrassed and outraged at her tone and at the content of her speech. Talk about business as usual.
Stephen reminds me that it is her job to attack the other side. I ask, how does this help the American people?
The RNC convention is in St. Paul, Minnesota. If "country first" is their mantra, why did the I-35 bridge collapse in Minneapolis, MN in 2007? My sister and niece could have been hurt, or worse in that collapse. The infrastructure of our country is in the toilet and all they can say is country first. A major contradiction if you ask me. Where are the resources to protect and improve our own country? Are all our resources spent protecting us from Islamic terrorists? What about the terror of our broken cities and states?
Eight years of Republican administration has done nothing to put "country first" in our own Country. Do Mr. McCain and Ms. Palin have a plan to address that, or are they grandstanding?
I haven’t even addressed the double standard regarding an “out of wedlock” pregnancy in the daughter of an “abstinence only” preaching mother. And how it is a “bonus” (quote; Levi Johnston’s mother) because they were going to marry anyway?
I just can’t help but think what they would say if the “opponent’s” family would have faced the same “crisis?” Notice these other contradictions:
And while they are at it, trying to legislate everything “moral” for everyone in America and, dare I say, the world, they want (and rightly so) to keep their personal family matters private. Again another double standard, don’t you think? If it is their family, it is private. If it is your family, it is public.

In the mean time I will leave the experts to address the contradictions and misrepresentations in Ms. Palin’s speech.
Right now, I am a bit upset and quite frankly embarrassed to be an American, plus my cat just died on Saturday, so pardon my rant.
Having mentioned above that I am not sure I really want to put anything to political on my blog, I have obviously crossed that line.
Thanks for reading and may God have mercy on us all.
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