Romans 14: 1-12
Note verse 4;
Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Master is able to make him stand.
While this was being read in church Sunday I was thinking of an article I had recently read on michellemalkindotcom. Yes, I admit it, I try and read everything I can from as many perspectives as I can. It helps keep me balanced. It also infuriates me and often challenges me.
Her post was regarding the joint appearance by the two Presidential candidates at the Ground Zero on September 11.
Here it is, in part. Please note that I do not under any circumstances support Ms. Malkin or her opinions.
Ground Zero etiquette: A tale of two roses
By Michelle Malkin • September 11, 2008 10:41 PM
It’s a small gesture, but gestures matter at the hallowed grave site of so many murdered innocent Americans.
Barack Obama flings a memorial rose at Ground Zero like he’s a kid tossing pennies into a fountain at the shopping mall — or a spectator tossing flowers at a bullfight.
He doesn’t know what he’s doing.
(Clueless NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg copies him.)
By contrast, John McCain and his wife kneel and gently, somberly, place their roses down at the foot of the 9/11 tribute.

I was struck by her arrogant certainty. I am curious how this can be. Here she claims to know exactly what was in the hearts of all of the people she named. The truth is that her descriptions are based upon her own biases - one was flinging, one was gently placing. By her description of these gestures, Malkin passes judgment and wants you to do the same. And just as she does, she wants you to surmise the intentions and define the inner reflections of each of the participants.
I was saddened by what she wrote, but more I was saddened by the fact that this is what we do in our daily lives and encounters. We so easily heap criticism on one another. Those who are different from us and those we fear. Blogging about this is cathartic, because I find myself so often in judgment of others based upon nothing, absolutely nothing, but appearances.
Lord, have mercy.
I read all your recent posts on Bunabear. I have given it a bit of time so that my words are a response instead of a reaction.
I am being made so aware of perspective and just what that means.
There are many perspectives! Many issues/reasons directing each person’s thoughts, pointing them in the directions of the perspectives they hold. With that said, a few of your thoughts struck me as strange.
You quoted Ph. 4:13
.... whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, do; and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8
I believe truly in the words of this scripture. The funny part is that as you look at those words, and as I look at those words, we seem to see different things.
The ladies I meet with now for study and prayer were together last night, and we read in depth 1 John 1-4. In chapter 4 we are told to “test the spirits. “. I am working on this to understand it and to recognize “spirits of falsehood”. Isn’t it a fine line to test the spirits to see whether they are from God, (vs.1) and passing judgment? I see this in my own thoughts and unfortunately my words as well.
What you, using your own word, labeled in what you heard in Palin’s acceptance speech as “rude, condescending, sarcastic” I saw as defending herself from the rude, condescending, and sarcastic comments made at her expense. I was encouraged by her speech and you were disgusted. I was proud to be an American to see a woman of faith and substance being called upon to serve, and you were embarrassed and outraged. Perspective….. There you go; we were looking at and listening to the same speech. Funny isn’t it??
Regarding your comments on the RNC, we were here. We saw the reports of the demonstrations and the lack of respect for property, human safety, and authority. These demonstrations were at the hands of people who hate first and who think only of themselves and what motivates them (that hate). They use the word hate and attached it to Pres. Bush, and others. They destroyed windows and buildings and assaulted people including the police. Many of them were not even willing to show their face, but instead, wore bandanas and clothes they could easily remove to avoid “being caught”. These were people who are now in our Minnesota court system, and being defended by the system that protects them and seems to penalize the victims. That is a part of the wonder of this country though, and although I hate seeing the results from the “victims” side, I still say that it is the right of these demonstrators, as Americans, to do and say these awful things. BUT, they do not have the right to break laws and must face the consequences. My prayer is that there will, in fact, be consequences. All too often there are none.
Your comments on the 35W and linking that tragedy with McCain’s “country first” moniker was to me, unfair. The state of Minnesota’s failure to use the people’s money correctly on infrastructure is not a federal issue over all. The corruption of a state government should be a concern of the federal government, but to link that in your comments was wrong. It is state’s responsibility to care for that infrastructure. It is not the ultimate fault of John McCain. The state is supposed to govern its self for and on behalf of its citizens.
“Where are the resources to protect and improve our own country? Are all our resources spent protecting us from Islamic terrorists? What about the terror of our broken cities and states?” (From your blog)
A true concern for sure, but again, I see two different things at play here. Oh that it were so simply to exchange one for the other. Broken cities and states are a real concern!!! I crossed that bridge as you pointed out earlier, but, our national security is of utmost importance and without it; we run the risk of no cities and states to repair. I don’t claim to know the ins and outs of national security, or repairing infrastructure, but I can see that there is a huge cart in front of the horse, and we need to get it back in the right position.
I will be looking into some of the bills presented in congress so that I might learn what is accurate info therein. These are public record, and it is my responsibility and right to know of which I speak. So far I’ve been very lacks in that responsibility. I trust you will respond with where I have gone wrong in my response to your blog, but for now let us agree to disagree and to acknowledge that our God is in control.
In 1 John 4: 21 we are reminded “And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.” As I strive to test the spirits and discern between the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood, I pray that I, that we all, can obey the command to love my brother. Only God knows our hearts, and sincerity no matter how stated can be and often is just like charm, it can be deceiving. I pray for a sound mind and for humility for each of the candidates, their families, and for each voter!
I love you and pray you are well this day. I send this along to you with “fear and trepidation” for sure. I am neither as succinct nor eloquent in the written word as you, but I hope my thoughts and words at least make sense.
If they make you “mad”, please don’t respond for a few days so I know that words are thought out as a response instead of a reaction.
Your baby sister!
Thanks for your comments to three of my posts. I know that we disagree on certain things and I know that it is ok to do so. I appreciate your thoughts. Let's keep "talking."
How is this for timing?
I just took a quick look over to
Wow, Andrew nails it, and it is truly all about where each of us sits.
Thanks so much for responding. Maybe your comments will get a comment.
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