Congratulations Barack Obama! Truly an amazing victory. There is a great deal of work ahead, may God be with you.

Thank you John McCain for your gracious words. From your lips to God's ears.
John McCain's classy concession speech
By Yael T. Abouhalkah, Kansas City Star Editorial Page columnist
John McCain says it upfront and does it in a classy way Tuesday night: He concedes to Barack Obama and praises him for becoming the nation's first black president.
McCain pledged to "do all in his power" to help Obama improve the country in these dangerous and fiscally challenging time.
He told his supporters to give Obama their help "to help restore our prosperity" and to defend the country.
"Whatever our differences, we are fellow Americans," McCain said.
If only McCain had been this classy on the campaign trail, he may have had a better shot at winning the presidency.
Remember, McCain will still be in the Senate in the coming years; he's not up for re-election until 2010.
So we'll see soon whether McCain will be true to his word when the next Congress meets in 2009.
As McCain said, there are still huge differences between the two parties.
But McCain could help America the most if he stays true to his classy words of Tuesday night.
For those of us who are middle-aged and remember our history, this is an amazing night. Mr. Obama will need our prayers. As a nation, we face many challenges and his job will be difficult. Hopefully, we'll be patient and realize that not all problems can be solved at once.
This is from Focus on the Family Action web site:
‘We Need to Continue to be in Prayer for America’
by Tom Hess
With an Obama administration forthcoming, Focus Action’s Tom Minnery says, “We’ve got a big challenge ahead of us.”
He and FRC Action President Tony Perkins encouraged CitizenLink viewers to remain hopeful of what God might do in the next four years — and to be in prayer.
“For those who have been praying for weeks, our responsibility does not end today,” Perkins said. “In Luke 18, Jesus said men should not lose heart, but they should pray. We need to continue to be in prayer for America.”
Minnery pointed out that in the Bible, God worked through pagan rulers such as Nebuchadnezzar, Darius and Cyrus to accomplish his purposes, and that values voters ought to begin praying for President-elect Obama.
“God can use any president for his own purposes,” Minnery said.
I can't believe they've called Mr. Obama a pagan. What happened to the greatest commandments?
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